Signs That You May Need Root Canal Therapy

  • Persistent Toothache: If you have a severe, throbbing toothache that doesn’t subside with over-the-counter pain relievers, it may be a sign of an infected or damaged pulp inside the tooth.

  • Sensitivity to Temperature: Extreme sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages, accompanied by lingering pain, could indicate pulp inflammation or infection.

  • Swollen Gums: Swelling and tenderness in the gums around a specific tooth may suggest an underlying dental issue requiring a root canal.

  • Pimple-Like Bump on Gums: The presence of a small, pimple-like bump on the gums near a tooth can be a sign of an abscess, which often requires root canal therapy.

  • Darkening or Discoloration of the Tooth: A tooth that has become discolored, typically turning gray or dark yellow, may indicate damage or infection in the pulp.

  • Pain When Chewing or Applying Pressure: Discomfort or pain when biting down or applying pressure to a specific tooth can signal an issue within the tooth’s pulp.

  • Painful, Prolonged Sensation After Trigger: If you experience pain or discomfort in a tooth that lingers for minutes or even hours after exposure to a stimulus like hot or cold, it may be a sign of pulp problems.

  • Gum Boil or Abscess Formation: The formation of a gum boil or abscess, accompanied by pus drainage and a bad taste in your mouth, often signifies an advanced dental infection.

  • Tender or Enlarged Lymph Nodes: Swollen and tender lymph nodes in the neck or jaw area can be a sign of an active dental infection that may require root canal therapy.

  • Foul Taste or Bad Breath: A persistent unpleasant taste in your mouth or persistent bad breath, even after thorough oral hygiene, could be due to an infected tooth.

  • History of Dental Trauma: If you’ve experienced a significant injury to a tooth, even in the past, it can increase the risk of future pulp damage and the need for a root canal.

Trust Your Smile to Goehring Dental

At Goehring Dental, we recognize the concerns and questions you may have regarding root canal therapy. With our skilled dentists, you’re in the hands of professionals who prioritize your well-being and comfort. 

Don’t let tooth pain hinder your life — contact us today at (512) 892-8822 to schedule an appointment and one of our friendly team members will get back to you shortly. Goehring Dental serves new and returning patients in Austin and surrounding cities such as Buda, Cedar Park, Dripping Springs, Kyle, Lockhart, Lakeway, San Marcos, and Round Rock.

Let’s work together to restore your smile’s health and radiance!


Benefits of Root Canal Therapy


The Root Canal Therapy Process: Step-by-Step